Laguna Golf Phuket Category

Happy Children's Day! Bring your kids to get a good dose of exercise and spend quality time playing Golf here in Laguna Phuket !

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Laguna Golf Phuket 1 person golfing and laGuna GOLF PHUKET HAPPY CHILDREN S DAY Join our Junior Membership to make your kids become a Pro 083 550 6373 Golf lagunaphuket com Lagunagolfphuket com
Happy Children's Day! Bring your kids to get a good dose of exercise and spend quality time playing Golf here in Laguna Phuket !
At Laguna Golf Phuket, we offer junior memberships to inspire young golfers to take the golf game into the next level!
With our Junior Memberships, we provide :
- Award-winning 18-hole golf course with spacious practice area
- Luxury clubhouse facilities including 3 floodlit tennis courts
- Discounts on Pro Shop items, Dining, golf lessons and driving range
- Reciprocal playing rights to over 200 world renowned golf courses
Let your kids have fun and get inspired to be a pro with us! Register now!
[email protected]
#LagunaGolfphuket #childrenday2023 #Childrenday #Golfinphuket


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